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Teltonika RMS Remote Management System

Teltonika Industrial Cellular Routers are devices that are often located in remote locations. These are any locations where conventional routers do not fit due to their necessity of permanent connection to the network by cable. Teltonika uses cellular networks of mobile operators to solve this problem via wireless connection. A nice use case example can be police cars in Lithuania. Each car is equipped with a Teltonika router for secure Internet access and verification of important information in real time independently of the car’s location.

However, there is a problem in case of a problem or necessity of any mass modification in the router’s settings. Due to the technical demands, the technician needs to travel to each device physically connect to it. Only then can these changes be made, since without a network connection, the router cannot be found remotely in an easy way. There might be a possibility to bring all routers in one place and thus speed up the process, but sometimes we get into situations where individual routers are up to thousands of kilometers away.

Is there a way to solve these problems better and faster?

The answer lies in the cloud

Teltonika offers RMS or Remote Management System, which solves all these problems remotely and above all in bulk. For a small monthly fee, you can activate this service on each of your Teltonika device and enable a number of new options. For example, if you need to update the firmware or change settings, you can do so in bulk with just a few clicks from anywhere, even from the mobile app.

As far as the remote management is concerned, after connecting to the router it is possible to do anything that can be done in the standard way of connecting. This means not only access to the CLI (Command Line Interface), but also directly to the router's web interface. Among other things, it is possible to reboot the router remotely, change its password or create backup of its settings. This backup can then be uploaded to any router of the same type.

RMS enables not only remote management but also monitoring of your devices. It is possible to read up to 60 different variables and set a notification of their change according to your requirements. In the case of a blackout or device failure, you will be informed immediately about the state of the device. RMS can notificate the user about the change of its state in different ways, among which is also e-mail communication. Another useful function is the ability to monitor the data flow and be able to limit/optimize it according to your needs.

Since cellular routers operate using a data SIM card and mobile Internet packages are rarely unlimited, the ability to set limits is one of the most important things to set up in any cellular router. If the limit or at least the warning of exceeding it has not been set, customers could unknowingly use the Internet over the prepaid amount and cause major financial problems for the router owners.Another use case can be found in logistics. RMS includes a map which can record and show positions of individual Teltonika devices. Using this feature, you gain an overview about all your vehicles and their positions.

Cloud solution RMS fulfills an important role in remote management. For the price range in single figures of EUR per device, RMS is saving time, money and simplifying general tasks and setup. To learn more about Teltonika routers, we recently created an article that describes most of the features you can find on these devices.

Do not hesitate to try our first month trial license that includes no limitations and can be used on every individual device. One license can be used on one device and is valid for one month.

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