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Numer katalogowy : APP-RCMS-E
Producent: Robustel
Kod produktu: Y003001

Robustel RCMS Cloud Essentials License - 1 month

Numer katalogowy : APP-RCMS-E
Producent: Robustel
Kod produktu: Y003001

Robustel RCMS Cloud Essentials License - 1 month

RCMS is a system for remote management, monitoring and diagnosis of all Robustel devices.

5.14 PLN (1.21 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 4.25 PLN / szt.

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Szczegółowy opis

Robustel RCMS Cloud Essentials

Designed to work with RobustOS, RCMS uncovers the true potential of Robustel products and expands the operator's capabilities in monitoring, managing and diagnosing network devices, thus minimizing operational cost.

RCMS in the Essentials version extends the basic functionality from the lower Basic version such as:

• Monitoring the status and location of individual devices
• Device Information Signal Quality, Data Consumption, Packet Loss, WAN Details
• Manage devices or groups of devices remotely from anywhere in the world
• Collection of current and historical data

These monitoring tools will help you understand your environment and identify and prevent problems before they even occur.

The Essentials license extends the core functionality with:

• Possibility to remotely change device parameters
• Uploading already prepared configuration files
• Send commands via remote CLI
• OTA (Over the air) Firmware update
• Download and upload individual applications from the APP center selection
• Remote update or change device settings in case of problem
• Remote Reboot of one or more devices

In the event of a malfunction, the system can be configured to send an automatic technical support alert in the event of equipment failure (Email, SMS).

More information can be found in the attached brochure.

5.14 PLN (1.21 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 4.25 PLN / szt.

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