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Numer katalogowy : EL-T4CM-BC1-5
Producent: ELATEC
Kod produktu: T4CM-BC1-5

TWN4 MultiTech Core LEGIC 45, w/o antenna

Numer katalogowy : EL-T4CM-BC1-5
Producent: ELATEC
Kod produktu: T4CM-BC1-5

TWN4 MultiTech Core LEGIC 45, w/o antenna

RFID reader TWN4 MultiTech Core is designed for integration into machines or any other device to be used with an external antenna.

1 003.56 PLN (231.11 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 829.39 PLN / szt.


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Szczegółowy opis

RFID reader TWN4 MultiTech Core LEGIC 45

RFID reader TWN4 MultiTech Core is designed for integration into machines or any other device to be used with an external antenna.

Key Features:

• supports TWN4 MultiTech underlying technology
• LEGIC chip for reading LEGIC RFID standards
• support of segment initialization function
• support of wireless (re)configuration
• supports external antennas
• size 39 x 30 x 8 mm
• operating temperature: -25°C up to +80°C

Available options:

T4CM-BC1-5       TWN4 MultiTech Core LEGIC 45 C1 - Standard - Core Module 39x33x8mm, w/o antenna; Standard
T4CM-BC1-5P   TWN4 MultiTech-P Core LEGIC 45 C1 - Version P - Core Module 39x33x8mm, w/o antenna; Version P

Product prices on request.

More information can be found in the attached datasheet.


Wymiary 39 x 30 x 8  mm Waga 7  g
Orzecznictwo RoHS Zasilanie 3.3 V  V
Częstotliwość robocza 13.56  MHz , 0.125  MHz , 0.1342  MHz

1 003.56 PLN (231.11 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 829.39 PLN / szt.

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