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Numer katalogowy : TM-M6E-M

ThingMagic Micro Embedded UHF RFID MODULE (North America, Europe, Mainland China)

Numer katalogowy : TM-M6E-M

ThingMagic Micro Embedded UHF RFID MODULE (North America, Europe, Mainland China)

TRIMBLE M6E Embedded UHF RFID MODULE contains all the components necessary to begin reading and writing RFID tags and developing RFID-enabled applications.

2 290.79 PLN (537.05 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 1 893.22 PLN / szt.


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Szczegółowy opis

TRIMBLE Micro Embedded

TRIMBLE M6E Embedded UHF RFID MODULE contains all the components necessary to begin reading and writing RFID tags and developing RFID-enabled applications. This compact high-performance reader module is ideal for a wide range of applications such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, vending machines and kiosks.

 Key Features:

• Frequency: 865MHz ~ 928MHz
• Interface: UART, USB
• Standards: EPC, ISO 18000-6B
• Output power: -5 to 30 dBm
• Reading range: 9 m
• Reading speed: 750 tags/sec

 Available options:

M6E-M-LIC-2F   Micro license for optional IPX and ISO 18K-6B protocols (Gen2 Standard)

More information can be found in the attached datasheet.


Wymiary 46 x 26 x 4  mm Zasilanie 3.5 – 5.25 V  V
Częstotliwość robocza 868  MHz

2 290.79 PLN (537.05 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 1 893.22 PLN / szt.

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