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Numer katalogowy : DSB-LGA-DEVKIT-T
Producent: Telit Cinterion
Kod produktu: L30960-N0113-A100

Telit Cinterion LGA DevKit T

Numer katalogowy : DSB-LGA-DEVKIT-T
Producent: Telit Cinterion
Kod produktu: L30960-N0113-A100

Telit Cinterion LGA DevKit T

Telit Cinterion® LGA DevKit is designed as a universal development adapter for Cinterion® LGA modules.

514.72 PLN (121.00 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 425.39 PLN / szt.

Na magazynie < 10 szt.

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Szczegółowy opis

Telit Cinterion LGA DevKit T

Cinterion® LGA DevKit is designed as a universal development adapter for Cinterion® LGA modules. For testing and development purposes, it is no longer necessary to purchase development kits separately for individual modules. The LGA DevKit can work independently without the need to connect any other tools or devices. It can also be operated with a port expander (for example with DSB75 or DSB-Mini, as an adapter between the module and other external applications).

LGA DevKit is available in three variants:

• SM supports a full range of Industrial modules.
• L supports Industrial plus series modules.
• T supports all modules of the latest Things series.

This DevKit is designed for the latest range of Things modules (size T).

Supported products:
(List of supported modules for LGA DevKit T - footprint dependent).

A (LGA 68) - For future use
B (LGA 112) - TX62-W
C (LGA 140) - For future use

Features and benefits:

• LGA DevKit socket T supports footprints of modules with different numbers of LGA for IoT (Things) platform modules: A (LGA 68), B (LGA 112), C (LGA 140).
• Ready for integration of new modules.
• Commissioning the LGA module is easy without the need for additional components.
• Supports DSB75 / DSB-Mini as a port expander.
• UART via USB VCP and / or native USB communication.
• Direct access to the complete interrupt module signal for in-depth testing.
• Measurement of the actual current consumption of the module, without losses and interference.
• Powered via USB or external device (eg DSB75 / DSB-Mini)
• Adjustable module power level 2.8 ... 4.5 V
• VEXT self setting for the level shifter reference level
• Other supported interfaces: SPS, SIM2, ASC1, Audio, GPIO, GNSS
• Detection of incorrect orientation in case of incorrectly connected module, detection of short circuits on the module, preventing damage
• Clear and easy concept for use and signaling
• QR code scanning allows the user to access all the information needed for use

Technical parameters can be found in the attached datasheet.

Telit company merged with Thales Gemalto, thereby created a major global player. The newly formed Telit Cinterion group is a major manufacturer of Cinterion® wireless modules and a leader in digital security and encryption in chip manufacturing. SECTRON is an European authorized distributor of this Telit Cinterion division.

514.72 PLN (121.00 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 425.39 PLN / szt.

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