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Numer katalogowy : GM-MG460-G
Producent: Robustel

Robustel MG460 Maritime Cyber Security Gateway , GNSS

Numer katalogowy : GM-MG460-G
Producent: Robustel

Robustel MG460 Maritime Cyber Security Gateway , GNSS

The Robustel MG460 is a rugged maritime cybersecurity gateway that complies with IEC 61162-460 and IEC 60945 standards. It is specifically designed to protect cybersecurity on ships and maritime vessels.

7 216.52 PLN (1 686.14 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 5 964.07 PLN / szt.


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Robustel Maritime Gateway MG460 - GNSS

The Robustel MG460 is a rugged maritime cybersecurity gateway that complies with IEC 61162-460 and IEC 60945 standards. It is specifically designed to protect cybersecurity on ships and maritime vessels. With multi-layered security, including network/transport layer access control, the MG460 protects the navigation equipment network from unauthorized access.

The MG460 gateway features high computational power (1.6 GHz processor, 64 GB eMMC Flash) and supports a secure DMZ zone. It enables connection via VPN tunnel for remote management and offers five gigabit Ethernet ports with separate firewalls. It also includes serial ports (RS232/RS422/RS485), I/O interfaces for monitoring and control, and a microSD card slot for storing system logs and navigation data. It also utilizes GNSS technology.

The Maritime gateway MG460 runs on a Linux operating system, has DNV certification (460-Gateway and 460-Wireless Gateway), and supports the RCMS platform for efficient management using the RobustVPN service. Its industrial design ensures continuous operability even in challenging maritime conditions.

Learn more about the Gateway MG460 in our blog article here.

Key features of Maritime Gateway MG460:

• Complies with IEC61162-1, IEC61162-2, IEC61162-460 Edition 3, and IEC60945 standards.
• DNV certification (460-Gateway and 460-Wireless Gateway).
• High-performance computing power with 1.6 GHz CPU + 64 GB eMMC Flash for running complex applications.
• DMZ with file storage and application service for secure interconnection.
• Remote secure access using VPN tunnel.
• 5 x 1000Mbps Ethernet ports, each with its own firewall for enhanced security.
• 2 x RS232/RS422/RS485 (software configurable) ports for connecting to industrial/legacy devices.
• 2 x DI & 2 x relay output for simple monitoring and control.
• Extended microSD slot for recording system logs and navigation data.
• Linux Debian system for development and deployment of custom software.
• GNSS technology.
• Industrial design to ensure continuous network connectivity.
• RCMS support for efficient device management through RobustVPN service.

RCMS (Robustel Cloud Manager Service) is a monitoring service for Robustel devices that is fully compatible with the MG460 gateway. This service is particularly advantageous for ship operations in remote areas where servicing is very difficult. RCMS provides an instant overview of the network status of individual Robustel devices, including their location on a map, data usage, signal strength, and current connection. RCMS also enables wireless firmware updates, configuration, and applications, ensuring smooth operation and quick response to potential issues.

Technical parameters can be found in the attached datasheet.

7 216.52 PLN (1 686.14 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 5 964.07 PLN / szt.

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