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Numer katalogowy : GP-THUNDERBOLT-E-SK
Producent: Protempis
Kod produktu: 62989-50

Protempis Thunderbolt E Starter Kit (62989-50)

Numer katalogowy : GP-THUNDERBOLT-E-SK
Producent: Protempis
Kod produktu: 62989-50

Protempis Thunderbolt E Starter Kit (62989-50)

Protempis Thunderbolt E Starter Kit complete kit including GPS receiver, antenna, software and power supply

10 643.05 PLN (2 498.65 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 8 795.91 PLN / szt.


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Szczegółowy opis

Protempis Thunderbolt E Starter Kit

Protempis Thunderbolt E Starter Kit complete kit including GPS receiver, antenna, software and power supply.

Protempis Thunderbolt E is the ideal solution for applications that require highly accurate time in the wireless industry. It is also used to ensure accurate time and frequency in WiMAX and LTE-tdd networks and in digital broadcasters' networks.

Protempis Thunderbolt E receiver timer outputs a 10 MHz reference signal and a 1 PPS signal synchronized with GPS or UTC time. To increase accuracy, the receiver performs measurements based on data from many satellites, up to all satellites in its range.

PPS signal integrity is ensured by T-RAIM (Stand-Alone Receiver Time Integrity Monitoring).

The Thunderbolt E GPS clock with Protempis Bullet ™ antenna creates a system that provides reliable performance in complex electromagnetic environments. The system can be easily calibrated for different cable lengths.

 Key properties:

 • 10 MHz and PPS reference
 • Complete kit including GPS receiver, antenna, software and power supply
 • Improve CMC (Calibration and Measurement Capability) under ISO/IEC 17025
 • Lock your lab instruments to a traceable source
 • Add value to existing equipment

 Package contains:

 • Thunderbolt E modulus
 • Bullet antenna(5V) TN
 • Power Adapter Cable
 •  Power Converter (24V AC /DC)/adapter
 • BNC/TNC-M to converter
 • 22 mRG6 cable with TNC
 • Protempis monitoring software

 More information can be found in the attached datasheet.


Wymiary 127 x 10 x 40  mm

10 643.05 PLN (2 498.65 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 8 795.91 PLN / szt.

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