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Numer katalogowy : GP-PTPNTP-GMC-AK
Producent: Protempis
Kod produktu: 102011-90

Protempis GMC Antenna Kit (102011-90)

Numer katalogowy : GP-PTPNTP-GMC-AK
Producent: Protempis
Kod produktu: 102011-90

Protempis GMC Antenna Kit (102011-90)

Antenna Kit includes Bullet 360 antenna, 22,5 meters cables from antenna to surge protector, surge protector and 3,5 meter cable from surge protector to Protempis Thunderbolt® PTP Grandmaster Clock

2 807.81 PLN (660.06 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 2 320.51 PLN / szt.


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Szczegółowy opis

Protempis GMC Antenna Kit

Antenna Kit includes Bullet 360 antenna, 22,5 meters cables from antenna to surge protector, surge protector and 3,5 meter cable from surge protector to Protempis Thunderbolt® PTP Grandmaster Clock

Protempis Bullet 360 antenna

Protempis Bullet 360 durable is antenna designed for in GPS and Beidou technologies, waterproof, corrosion resistant, wide temperature resistant to excessive vibration and shock. It is equipped with a TNC connector. The antenna reaches up to 26 dBi gain when combined with an amplifier. Well suited for a congested urban area.

More information can be found in the attached datasheet.


Impedance 50  Ohm Napięcie 3.3 - 5 V DC
Polaryzacja Liniowy Wykonanie Zewnętrzny
Temperatura robocza -40 ~ +90  °C Wymiary 77.5 x 66.2  mm
Kierunkowość Kierunkowa Waga 200  g
Zysk 26  dBi VSWR <2.0
Sposób mocowania Śrubowe Orzecznictwo RoHS
Stopień ochrony IP IP67

2 807.81 PLN (660.06 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 2 320.51 PLN / szt.

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