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Numer katalogowy : EL-OE-POS
Producent: Olife Energy

Olife Energy POS with LCD and Payment Terminal

Numer katalogowy : EL-OE-POS
Producent: Olife Energy

Olife Energy POS with LCD and Payment Terminal

The OlifeEnergy kiosk with payment terminal is designed for simple and secure management of payments for electric vehicle charging. It can control multiple charging stations in one location. This self-service kiosk allows users to easily make payments using payment cards.

12 988.13 PLN (3 049.20 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 10 733.99 PLN / szt.


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Szczegółowy opis

OlifeEnergy Kiosk with Payment Terminal

The OlifeEnergy kiosk with payment terminal is designed for simple and secure management of payments for electric vehicle charging. It can control multiple charging stations in one location. This self-service kiosk allows users to easily make payments using payment cards.

On the touch screen, which ensures simple operation and secure transactions, the user can select the station for which they want to pay for charging. Once charging is completed, the amount for the consumed energy is deducted from the payment card and the credit card hold is released.

The robust design of the payment kiosk ensures its durability and allows for installation both indoors and outdoors.

The OlifeEnergy Payment Kiosk enables charging station operators to provide their customers with a convenient and hassle-free payment process. It is an ideal solution for corporate premises or public parking lots where multiple electric vehicles need to be charged simultaneously.

12 988.13 PLN (3 049.20 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 10 733.99 PLN / szt.

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