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Numer katalogowy : AM-RT-FPOWR24
Producent: SECTRON

Power supply 24V / 1A, L = 1.4 m, open end

Numer katalogowy : AM-RT-FPOWR24
Producent: SECTRON

Power supply 24V / 1A, L = 1.4 m, open end

Power supply 24V / 1A - is suitable for LED applications, WiFi, but also for security and camera systems.

36.64 PLN (8.64 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 30.28 PLN / szt.

Cena od 10 sztuk 6.41 €

Cena od 100 sztuk 5.75 €

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Szczegółowy opis

Power supply 24V (1A) - without connector, open-end

Power supply with 24W (1A) and stabilized 24 V output voltage. It is suitable for LED applications, WiFi, but also for security and camera systems and GSM modems. The power supply is designed for a socket with a standard plug 2.1 x 5.5 mm. Free end cable without connector.

• Power: 24 W
• Output voltage: 24 V
• Max. output current: 1 A
• Input: 100-240 V
• Operating temperature: 0 °C to + 40 °C
• Design: for a drawer
• DC cable type: round with 2 core
• Dimension: 76.5 × 34.0 × 43.0 mm

Technical parameters can be found in the attached datasheet.

36.64 PLN (8.64 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 30.28 PLN / szt.

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