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Numer katalogowy : EL-T3MR-F
Producent: ELATEC
Kod produktu: T3MR-F

Mini Reader MIFARE NFC, with integrated antenna

Numer katalogowy : EL-T3MR-F
Producent: ELATEC
Kod produktu: T3MR-F

Mini Reader MIFARE NFC, with integrated antenna

RFID Mini Reader MIFARE® NFC is designed for integration into machines, handheld computer or any other device.

427.22 PLN (100.43 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 353.07 PLN / szt.


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Szczegółowy opis

Mini Reader MIFARE NFC

RFID Mini Reader MIFARE® NFC is designed for integration into machines, handheld computer or any other device.

• Compact design (33x30x11mm) – integrated antenna
• Serial TTL or SPI interface
• ASCII or Binary protocol
• 4 GPIOs
• Supports connection of ISO7816 compatible SAM cards
• Low Power (< 2μA)
• Industrial operating temperature: -25°C to +80°C

Available options:

T4MD       Development Kit Mini Reader MIFARE NFC - without reader ART14056
T3MK-F Development Kit Mini Reader MIFARE NFC - with reader ART14056+Cable+MIFARE Transponder

Product prices on request.

More information can be found in the attached datasheet.

427.22 PLN (100.43 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 353.07 PLN / szt.

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