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Numer katalogowy : TM-EMDAA-001
Producent: Trimble

EM001 - EMPOWER Module Development Kit (MDK)

Numer katalogowy : TM-EMDAA-001
Producent: Trimble

EM001 - EMPOWER Module Development Kit (MDK)

The Module Development Kit provides a way how to prototype your module ideas easily and quickly. It includes one set of the plastic housing, seals and screws, along with a development board.

1 137.54 PLN (267.41 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 940.11 PLN / szt.


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EMPOWER Module Development Kit

The Module Development Kit provides a way how to prototype your module ideas easily and quickly. It includes one set of the plastic housing, seals and screws, along with a development board. Module Board Kit can be used within industrial computers like Trimble Yuma 7 or Trimble Ranger 7. To use the MDK, you will need to register as a developer at at first, then download the MDK Module Support Package.

1 137.54 PLN (267.41 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 940.11 PLN / szt.

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