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Numer katalogowy : XAM-75T-USBMICDB
Producent: SECTRON

Data cable USB - microUSB B, 1 m

Numer katalogowy : XAM-75T-USBMICDB
Producent: SECTRON

Data cable USB - microUSB B, 1 m

The USB data cable with a USB connector and a micro USB connector is intended for connecting all devices with a USB micro connector (mobile phones, digital cameras, MP3 players, etc.).

6.13 PLN (1.44 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 5.07 PLN / szt.

Cena od 10 sztuk 1.11 €

Cena od 100 sztuk 1.07 €

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Data cable USB - micro USB, the cable length 1 m

The USB data cable with a USB connector and a micro USB connector is intended for connecting all devices with a USB micro connector (mobile phones, digital cameras, MP3 players, etc.). The USB cable allows you to charge your phone after connecting it to a computer directly from the computer's USB port. It also allows you to manage files, photos, MP3s, edit data and phone numbers on your SIM card.
The cable is supplied in black color with a length of 1 m.

6.13 PLN (1.44 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 5.07 PLN / szt.

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