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Numer katalogowy : AO-KADAT1
Producent: SECTRON

Data cable DB9/RJ12

Numer katalogowy : AO-KADAT1
Producent: SECTRON

Data cable DB9/RJ12

The serial cable with RS232 interface and DB9 (m) and RJ12 connectors is ideal for connecting a computer or laptop to modems and terminals.

20.80 PLN (4.88 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 17.19 PLN / szt.

Cena od 10 sztuk 3.66 €

Cena od 100 sztuk 3.30 €


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Cable with RS232 interface and DB9 (m) and RJ12 connectors 

The serial cable with RS232 interface and DB9 (m) and RJ12 connectors is ideal for connecting a computer or laptop to modems and terminals. The cable length is 25 cm.

The RS-232 interface enables the interconnection and mutual serial communication of two devices, ie the individual bits of the transmitted data are transmitted one after the other (in series) by one pair of wires in each direction.

The DB9 connector provides high-quality extensions for RS232 serial devices.

The RJ12 connector is used to connect telecommunication devices. It is designed to ensure a seamless connection between the connector contacts and the copper conductors of the data cable.

20.80 PLN (4.88 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 17.19 PLN / szt.

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