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Numer katalogowy : AO-SIMR
Producent: Molex

SIM card reader, push button (MLX 91228-3001)

Numer katalogowy : AO-SIMR
Producent: Molex

SIM card reader, push button (MLX 91228-3001)

The SIM card reader is intended for use with removable SIM cards in devices based on GSM communication. For easy insertion or removal of the SIM card from the holder, the ChipSim connectors are equipped with a slide-out mechanism.

12.83 PLN (3.01 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 10.61 PLN / szt.


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Szczegółowy opis

SIM card reader with push button.

The SIM card reader is intended for use with removable SIM cards in devices based on GSM communication. For easy insertion or removal of the SIM card from the holder, the ChipSim connectors are equipped with a slide-out mechanism. The rear stop ensures the reliable connection of SIM card and the connector. The holder is equipped with an active latch that prevents the SIM card from sliding out of the connector, eg due to vibration. The button must be pressed to release the latch. The card holders also have polarization functions for the correct orientation of the SIM card. The spring on the side prevents the SIM card from sliding.

 Easy connection and disconnection, guarantee is 5000 cycles. 

The SIM card reader are intended for use in devices that support GSM technology, such a sales terminals, smart meters, surveillance cameras and security cameras.


 Operating temperature: -30 ° to + 85 ° C 
• Maximum current: 500 mA
• Maximum voltage: 50 V

Technical parameters can be found in the attached datasheet.

12.83 PLN (3.01 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 10.61 PLN / szt.

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