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Numer katalogowy : EL-T2T2-3F32A-10M
EAN: 0764460248944
Producent: SECTRON

Charging cable - Type 2 / Type 2, 3x32A, 400V, 10m

Numer katalogowy : EL-T2T2-3F32A-10M
EAN: 0764460248944
Producent: SECTRON

Charging cable - Type 2 / Type 2, 3x32A, 400V, 10m

Three-phase charging cable for electric cars with a length of 10 meters, 3×32 A / 400 V, Type 2.

980.65 PLN (229.90 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 810.45 PLN / szt.

Na magazynie < 10 szt.

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Szczegółowy opis

Three-phase charging cable designed for charging electric vehicles, length 10 m

Have you bought an electric car? Then you need a correct, high-quality power cable to make charging your electric car from public chargers or at home as easy as possible. Thanks to this cable, you will charge a car with a Type 2 / Type 2 connector. When choosing a new cable, think carefully about the length of the cable, which will then make it easier for you to handle the cable in the garage or public car park.

Three-phase charging cable designed for charging electric vehicles with a maximum current of 32 A and an output of 22 kW.

The EV cable is a type of flexible cable for connecting an electric vehicle to a charging station equipped with Type 2 connectors. It is made of high quality copper with excellent conductive properties. The insulating material of the TPE cable is soft and has high strength.

Charging cable parameters:

- Cable: 5 × 6.0 mm² + 2 × 0.5 mm²
- The length of the charging cable is 10 meters
- Rated current: 32 A
- The maximum charging power is 22 kW
- Operating voltage: 230/400 V AC
- Vehicle connector: Type 2 IEC62196-2 Female plug (DSIEC2e-EV32P)
- Charger connector: Type 2 IEC62196-2 Male plug (DSIEC2b-EV32P)
- Number of signal contacts 2 (CP, PP)
- Signal contacts: 2 A / 30 V AC
- Rubber connector cover
- Operating temperature: -30 ° C ~ 50 °
- Weight 5.54 kg
- Standard: IEC62196
- IP54 protection


Długość kabla 10  m Złącze wyjściowe AC Type 2 IEC62196-2 Female plug 
Proud / výkon 32 A / 22 kW

980.65 PLN (229.90 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 810.45 PLN / szt.

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