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Numer katalogowy : TG-MIF-S50-KEYFOB
Producent: SECTRON

Authorization RFID key fob MIFARE S50 key, 13,56MHz, 1k, zelená

Numer katalogowy : TG-MIF-S50-KEYFOB
Producent: SECTRON

Authorization RFID key fob MIFARE S50 key, 13,56MHz, 1k, zelená

The Authorization RFID Key Fob MIFARE S50 is an accessory for wallboxes and charging stations, useful when you need additional cards beyond those included in the basic wallbox package.

16.51 PLN (3.90 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 13.65 PLN / szt.

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Authorization RFID Key Fob MIFARE S50, 1k, green

The Authorization RFID Key Fob MIFARE S50 is an accessory for wallboxes and charging stations, useful when you need additional cards beyond those included in the basic wallbox package. 

The key fob, which electric vehicle users use to authorize themselves at the wallbox and start charging, can be added in the wallbox's administration application. This contactless plastic key fob with Mifare S50 chip technology operates at a frequency of 13.56 MHz with a memory capacity of 1 kB.

Authorization RFID Key Fobs' main applications are identification, attendance, and access control systems. It is excellent for authorizing individuals at electric vehicle charging stations, in companies, school cafeterias, accommodation facilities, and many other locations.

It is made of ABS material, which makes it highly resistant to external influences and mechanical damage to the chip.

16.51 PLN (3.90 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 13.65 PLN / szt.

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