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Numer katalogowy : XGSM-ROZBO3
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna Splitter Coupler 800-2500MHz 3/1

Numer katalogowy : XGSM-ROZBO3
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna Splitter Coupler 800-2500MHz 3/1

Antenna Splitter Coupler 800-2500MHz 3/1

258.49 PLN (60.77 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 213.63 PLN / szt.

Cena od 10 sztuk 40.18 €

Cena od 100 sztuk 36.13 €

Na magazynie < 10 szt.

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Szczegółowy opis

Splitter Coupler (800-2500 MHz) with 3 outputs

The broadband splitter with three outputs is equipped with three N (f) type connectors. Suitable for branching from one coaxial branch into three coaxial branches and thus allowing the connection of multiple devices.

Splitter Couplers are used in various fields such as telecommunications, radio communications, wireless networks, radars and many others.


• Frequency: 800 - 2500 MHz
VSWR: 1.35 : 1 (max)
• Impedance: 50 Ohm
• Divider Factor: 1 : 3
• Divider Loss: 4 dB
• Temperature range: -40 °C až +90°C
• Dimensions: 89 × 54 × 22 mm
• Low Insertion Loss

Specifications connector N:

A connectors with a screw-thread mechanism. N connectors are characterized by high reliability and mechanical stability. The characteristic impedance of the connector is 50 Ohm and the working frequency ranges up to 11 GHz. N connectors are used, for example, to connect wireless WLAN devices, satellite systems and GSM / GPS / Wi-Fi antennas.

Technical parameters can be found in the attached datasheet.


Zakres częstotliwości 800-2500  MHz

258.49 PLN (60.77 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 213.63 PLN / szt.

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