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Numer katalogowy : AO-AKOM-E072LGWM-4F
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna LTE/GPS/WiFi MIMO Screw Mount E072LW, 4x FAKRA(f), 4x .100/4.5m

Numer katalogowy : AO-AKOM-E072LGWM-4F
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna LTE/GPS/WiFi MIMO Screw Mount E072LW, 4x FAKRA(f), 4x .100/4.5m

Combined MIMO antenna designed for receiving/transmitting signals in GPS/LTE/WIFi technologies. The antenna is functional in the bands 698-960/ 1575.42±3/ 1710-2690/2400-2483 MHz.

361.54 PLN (84.99 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 298.79 PLN / szt.


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Szczegółowy opis

Combined MIMO antenna GPS/LTE/WIFi

Combined MIMO antenna designed for receiving/transmitting signals in GPS/LTE/WiFi technologies. The antenna is functional in the bands 698-960/ 1575.42±3/ 1710-2690/2400-2483 MHz. In combination with an amplifier, it achieves a gain value of 28 dB in the GPS band, it is also used for connection to cellular modems/routers. The antenna is supplied four cables LMR100 with four FAKRA(f) connectors. Thanks to its high degree of protection IP67 it is suitable for outdoor installations. 

Specifications connector Fakra:

Fakra connectors in a plastic housing. These housings are available in 14 different colors for easy identification. The characteristic impedance of the connector is 50 Ohm, working frequency ranges up to 6 GHz, working temperature is from -40 °C to 105 °C. Fakra connectors are most often used in the automotive industry, for example for connecting antennas, radios, navigation. They are also widely used in M2M and IoT devices. Connecting and disconnecting Fakra connectors is easy, we guarantee up to 25 cycles.

Cable specifications .100:

The .100 coaxial cable is compatible with connectors applicable to 2.8 mm cable outer diameters, such as SMA Male, TNC Male, N Male, N Female. It is mainly used for the frequency range 0-6 GHz. The characteristic impedance is 50 Ω. The most common cables of this type have a temperature range -40 ° C to + 85 ° C. The .100 cable is used to connect antennas as well as VHF and UHF applications. It is suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. There are also specially modified types of .100cables for outdoor use, which are UV resistant, as well as for use in extreme conditions. There are made of different materials, different qualities.

More information can be found in the attached datasheet.


Impedance 50  Ohm Kabel .100
Złącze FAKRA(f) Maksymalna moc wejściowa 10  W
Polaryzacja Liniowy , Liniowy , R.H.C.P. Wykonanie Zewnętrzny
Temperatura robocza -40 ~ +85  °C Wymiary 181.7 x 69.1 x 68.9  mm
Kierunkowość Všesměrová , Kierunkowa Technologia WIFI , GPS , LTE
Zysk 3  dBi , 2  dBi , 3.5  dBi VSWR <1.5:1 , <2.0:1 , <3.0:1
LNA Zysk 28  dB Sposób mocowania Śrubowe
Orzecznictwo RoHS Stopień ochrony IP IP67

361.54 PLN (84.99 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 298.79 PLN / szt.

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