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Numer katalogowy : AP-AGPS-A005B
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna GPS Screw Mount Marine 005, 42 dBi, BNC(m), RG58/10m

Numer katalogowy : AP-AGPS-A005B
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna GPS Screw Mount Marine 005, 42 dBi, BNC(m), RG58/10m

Directional Marine Antenna is designed to receive signal from GPS technology. Works in the 1575.42 MHz band.

209.34 PLN (49.21 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 173.01 PLN / szt.


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Szczegółowy opis

GPS Marine Antenna

Directional Marine Antenna witch connector BNC (m) is designed to receive the signal from GPS technology. Works in the 1575.42 MHz band. In combination with the integrated amplifier, this active antenna achieves up to 42 dBi of total gain. Thanks to IP67, this antenna is suitable for outdoor use. The antenna is highly resistant to harsh weather conditions.

Connector specifications BNC:

BNC high-frequency coaxial connectors are manufactured with an impedance of 50 or 75 Ohm. They are designed for use with various types of coaxial cables, eg types RG-58, RG-59, to RG-179, RG-316. The operating frequency range is up to 4 GHz and operating temperature - 40 °C to + 155 °C. Mounting the connector is quick and easy, thanks to the snap-in bayonet, the connection is firm and solid. The connection and disconnection of the connectors is guaranteed for up to 500 cycles. These connectors are most often used in radio telecommunications, television technology or test equipment.

Cable specifications RG58:

The RG58 coaxial cable is compatible with connectors applicable to a 5 mm cable diameter. It is mainly used for the 0-1 GHz frequency range, it can also be used for higher frequencies, but at the cost of higher attenuation. The characteristic impedance of the cable is 50 Ω. The reduction factor is fixed at 0.66. The most common cables of this type have a temperature range of -20 to 75 ° C. This cable is suitable for external WiFi / GPS / GSM antennas. It is also often used for creating cable adaptors with connectors such as BNC / FAKRA / FME / N / SMA / TNC and others. There are also specially modified types of RG58 cables for outdoor use, which are UV resistant, as well as for use in extreme conditions. There are made of different materials, different qualities.

The antenna can be used for these GARMIN devices: 

AIS™ 600 
GPS 152™ 
GPS 152H 
GPSMAP® 420/420s 
GPSMAP® 421/421s 
GPSMAP® 430/430s 
GPSMAP® 431/431s 
GPSMAP® 440/440s 
GPSMAP® 441/441s 
GPSMAP® 520/520s 
GPSMAP® 521/521s 
GPSMAP® 525/525s 
GPSMAP® 526/526s 
GPSMAP® 527/527xs
GPSMAP® 530/530s 
GPSMAP® 531/531s 
GPSMAP® 535/535s 
GPSMAP® 536/536s 
GPSMAP® 540/540s 
GPSMAP® 541/541s 
GPSMAP® 545/545s 
GPSMAP® 546/546s 
GPSMAP 720/720s
GPSMAP® 721/721xs
GPSMAP® 78/78s (with adaptor MCX to BNC 010-10121-00)
GPSMAP® 820/820xs
GPSMAP® 1020

More information can be found in the attached datasheet.


Impedance 50  Ohm Kabel RG58/U
Złącze BNC(m) Maksymalna moc wejściowa 10  W
Napięcie 3 - 5 V DC Polaryzacja R.H.C.P.
Wykonanie Zewnętrzny Temperatura robocza -40 ~ +85  °C
Wymiary 93.5 x 133  mm Kierunkowość Kierunkowa
Technologia GPS Waga 503.72  g
Zysk 0  dBi VSWR <1.5:1
LNA Zysk 42  dB Kąt nadawania H 100 V 75
Sposób mocowania Wtyk Orzecznictwo ISO 9001 , ISO 14001
Stopień ochrony IP IP67

209.34 PLN (49.21 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 173.01 PLN / szt.

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