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Numer katalogowy : AP-AGNSS-20B-05
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna GPS/GLONASS Adhesive 20, SMB(f), RG174/0.5m

Numer katalogowy : AP-AGNSS-20B-05
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna GPS/GLONASS Adhesive 20, SMB(f), RG174/0.5m

Omnidirectional antenna for GPS and GLONASS. The antenna operates in two bands 1545.72 and 1602 MHz.

14.97 PLN (3.51 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 12.37 PLN / szt.

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Szczegółowy opis

Omnidirectional GPS/GLONASS antenna

Omnidirectional antenna for GPS/GLONASS operates in two bands, 1545.72 and 1602 MHz. The antenna reaches up to 20 dBi gain when combined with an amplifier. It is supplied with a 0.5 m RG174 cable terminated with an SMB (f) connector. Comes with 3M double-sided tape for easy assembly. The antenna is suitable for cars and other vehicles.

Specification connector SMB:

SMB coaxial connectors are characterized by high reliability and mechanical stability. Snap-on mechanism provides fast and reliable connection. The characteristic impedance of the connector is 50 Ohm and the working frequency ranges up to 4 GHz. They are used, for example, to connect wireless WLAN devices, test devices and GSM / GPS / Wi-Fi antennas.

Specification cable RG174 / U:

The cable labeled RG174 / U is a basic variant of a coaxial cable that is compatible with connectors applicable to a cable diameter of 2.8 mm. The characteristic impedance of the cable is 50 Ω. The reduction factor is fixed at 0.66. The operating temperature range is -20 to 80 °C.
It is most often used for creating cable adaptors with connectors such as BNC / FAKRA / FME / MCX / MMCX / N / SMA / SMB / SMP / TNC and others. It is ideal for short and bending stressed connections in measuring and telecommunications technology, for GPS / GSM / WLAN antennas, antenna leads etc.

More information can be found in the attached datasheet.


Impedance 50  Ohm Kabel RG174/U
Złącze SMB(f) Maksymalna moc wejściowa 10  W
Napięcie 1.6 V DC Polaryzacja R.H.C.P.
Wykonanie Zewnętrzny Temperatura robocza -30 ~ +80  °C
Wymiary 38.2 x 34.2 x 12.6  mm Kierunkowość Dookólna
Technologia GPS , GLONASS Waga 122.6  g
Zysk 20  dBi VSWR <2.0:1
Kąt nadawania H 360 V 30 Sposób mocowania Przyklejana

14.97 PLN (3.51 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 12.37 PLN / szt.

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