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Numer katalogowy : AP-AP10-25U
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna GPS Embedded AP10, 25 dBi, IPEX MHF(f) RA, 0.81mm Coaxial Cable/42mm, 10x10x6mm, active

Numer katalogowy : AP-AP10-25U
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna GPS Embedded AP10, 25 dBi, IPEX MHF(f) RA, 0.81mm Coaxial Cable/42mm, 10x10x6mm, active

Omnidirectional GPS antenna. The antenna operates in band 1575.42 MHz.

39.07 PLN (9.16 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 32.29 PLN / szt.

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Szczegółowy opis

Omnidirectional GPS antenna

Omnidirectional GPS antenna. The antenna operates in band 1575.42 MHz. In combination with integrated amplifier, this active antenna achieves gain of up to 25 dBi in GPS band. It is suitable for use in cars and other vehicles.

Connector specifications IPEX MHF:

IPEX MHF connectors are compatible with U.FL connectors for applications where there is very little space for connecting / interconnecting RF components. The characteristic impedance of the connector is 50 Ohm and the operating frequency range up to 9 GHz.

Technical parameters can be found in the attached datasheet.


Impedance 50  Ohm Kabel RF 1.13
Złącze U.FL(f) R/A Maksymalna moc wejściowa 10  W
Napięcie 1.8 - 3.3 V DC Polaryzacja R.H.C.P.
Wykonanie Wewnętrzny Temperatura robocza -40 ~ +85  °C
Wymiary 10 x 10 x 6  mm Kierunkowość Dookólna
Technologia GPS Waga 2.62  g
Zysk 25  dBi VSWR <2.0:1
Kąt nadawania H 360 V 30 Sposób mocowania Lutowane

39.07 PLN (9.16 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 32.29 PLN / szt.

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