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Numer katalogowy : AO-AG-PA25
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna GSM/UMTS Embedded PA25, PIFA, SMD

Numer katalogowy : AO-AG-PA25
Producent: SECTRON

Antenna GSM/UMTS Embedded PA25, PIFA, SMD

Omnidirectional internal antenna suitable for usage with GSM/UTMS technologies. GSM antenna operates in bands 800/900/1700/2100 MHz.

37.18 PLN (8.69 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 30.73 PLN / szt.


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Szczegółowy opis

Internal Omnidirectional GSM/UMTS antenna

Omnidirectional internal antenna suitable for usage with GSM/UTMS technologies. GSM antenna operates in bands 800/900/1700/2100 MHz. PIFA antennas are multi-band antennas that, due to their small size, integrate on a PCB of smaller devices that do not support an external antenna.

More information can be found in the attached datasheet.


Impedance 50  Ohm Polaryzacja Liniowy
Wykonanie Wewnętrzny Temperatura robocza -40 ~ +80  °C
Wymiary 35 x 6 x 5  mm Kierunkowość Dookólna
Technologia GSM , Waga 3.29  g
Zysk 1 - 4.6  dBi VSWR <3.5:1
Sposób mocowania Przyklejana

37.18 PLN (8.69 €) z VAT (23%) / szt.

bez VAT 30.73 PLN / szt.

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